Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Downy Challege and other stuff

Scents are a powerful thing – they bring back memories, evoke emotions and set the mood. Fresh cut grass, cinnamon, flowers, cookies baking in the oven...these are all scents that represent something to all of us. So, the folks at Downy thought it would be fun to ask TwitterMoms the question "If you could define yourself with a scent, what scent would represent you and why?" And you can win a prize so keep reading. This is a fun one!

: "If you could define yourself with a scent, what scent would represent you and why?" 

Ocean Breeze.  I am salty much of the time, I have a sarcastic streak a mile wide, but at the same time my life is like waves and so are my emotions. sometimes you could surf with the ups and downs, other time is is calm enough for a sail boat. 

f you want to participate too, write a post on your own blog answering this question: "If you could define yourself with a scent, what scent would represent you and why?" To enter the Sweepstakes, [we ask that you]:

1. Post your answer to the question on your blog

2. Include at least one link back to 
this page in your post, so your readers can learn more about what promoted your posthttp://www.twittermoms.com/forum/topics/if-you-could-define-yourself

3. Login in to Twitter and Tweet about your posting using the hashtag #downy

4. Return to this discussion page, post a comment referencing your blog post, including both an active link to your qualifying blog entry and a link to your tweet about the Sweepstakes. It’s that easy!

Denise is suffering from Kidney  infections, she is in so much pain! When do we, as mothers stopp feeling our kids pain? Possible never I guess...Watching her move from place to place breaks my heart. 

Tash is trying to be a big help, she keeps listening to her moms heart and running to me to let me know when she needs help. She just ordered a bologna and cheese sandwich with mustard for mom and oh by the way for her as 

I am suposed to write 50,000 words by November 30, I have written 157 the plat has fallen apart oh well. at least I have done two of my 30 hubpages "hubs" one challege is on target. 

Wlll it will be nice to win a free downer, it's not the lottery but it's something.

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