Saturday, December 26, 2009

Small talk six, looking forward to next year

Well, the gifts are open and wrapping paper is everywhere, You aren't quite sure how it eneded up in the bathroom or in the closet, but there it is. You have cups, saucers, paper plates, and etcetera from one end of your house to the other, and you wonder  how on earth the eggnog got in the bedroom, or the slice of cake was sittingonthe bahroom counter? Then you sigh for with all the signs it means you had a successful Christmas party.

And you remember fondly the highlights of the day, Aunt Edna's slipping the rum in the eggnog, the joy of the faces as they opened gifts or even better the different ways people open gifts they thought were horrible and said "uh thank you" politely. As I did when someone sent Tasha this beautiful heave coat with scarf, gloves,earmuffs, the whole kit and caboodle. Hello....we live in Charleston where the coldest temp is 40?
Thats ok we dutifully dressed her up and took her picture to send to them The weather has been colder maybe she will get a chance to wear it, the coat anyway. It was a nice thought, and I understand since the present came from Philadelphia.

I really find it interesting the many ways a person fixes , thinking they are hiding the horror behind their eyes as they ponder "What in the world is this???" or " I have fifteen of theses, now what," outwardly they are saying uh thank you I love it!  all the while looking like they have just eaten bad fish.  Oh the things we do for family......

But now we file another Christmas into our memory files, with the mess, the famiy arguements, the joy, memries, gifts, and everything else that goes with it. We are looking forward to next year and now comes the dreaded resolution.

Everyone has to have one, it is as american as Black eyed peas on Newa Years day, or Corned beef depending on what part of the country you live in.

And although most are broken by January 10, They are still fun to make. The ladies over at Mom Dot have a new take on it, they want us to name six things we are looking forward to.

 Small Talk six this week is:
6 thing you are looking forward to in 2010.”

1. Getting my book published

2, Watching all the new things Tasha will be doing as a little girl instead of a baby she turns four in 

4. The results of drastic cahnges I am going to make in my life, I am going to radically change everything. 

5, I am looking forward to doing better at Affliate Marketing, becomeing more organized.

6. Getting back on Track with God and totally revamping my spiriritual life, as He would hav me do it. I have been off track time to go back

Have a wonderful last week of the year, now run over to Momdot and see some other wonderful lists


Hazel said...
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Hazel said...

I'm glad to read I'm not the only one braving big changes in 2010. YAY to getting your book published. Isn't that major!

P.S. I clicked some wrong button on the first comment.

shortmama said...

Sounds like a great list for the new year!

Carma Sez said...

I look forward to hearing the updates - esp on #4 - how I would love to do some drastic changes too; I shall live vicariously through your blog :-)

Have a Happy New Year :-)