Thursday, April 8, 2010

Dear Somebody Thursday!

I have been MIA, with busines and the like but I am getting back in the groove! So....

Dear Ky Intense Jell
IO hate your commercials. I hate the implication that the rest of us cannot have any fun with spending boocoos of money on your product. the reality is, we can.
I mostly hate trying to explain to my 4 year old granddaughter why the women hops ou of bed and stands next to a waterfall. Next time I am calling your hotline and letting you explain.
A non consumer

Dear Natasha
Nanny is sorry when you mixed all of your paints together you came up with a sickening green colour instead of black as Uncle Eric promised. Why did it happen? Cheap paint, sweetie. We are poor and have to shop Wal Mart. Maybe when you grow up and become the first women president of the United States, you can afford Michaels. We won't be able to. We will be living in the poor house from paying for your college education.
Your loving Nanny

Dear Mailman:
Can you Please please  decide what time you are going to deliver my mail? I am tired of watching you deliver my mail for three weeks at eleven am then the day I am expecting something you come at 5pm. Since very soon you will not be working on Saturdays, at least lets get the times sraight. BTW I have to work Saturdays, what ever happened to "neither rain nor sleet.... Bad Mailman!
a disgruntiled customer

1 comment:

shortmama said...

Our maillady has been wishy washy on time lately too!!