Sunday, January 25, 2009

Cleaning up my act

I got up this morning, armed with determination. I was/am going to clean house on my computer!
I follow a lot of blogs, and a lot of people on Twitter. 
The thing about twitter though is, if someone follows me I feel obligated to follow them, even though I don't know them. I used to,in the beginning, when someone followed me I would check their websites and read their twitters to see if I would really read it, then I got so busy trying to mange twitter and twitter moms I just followed whoever followed me. 
That's Twitter good manners right?
I go through some of these accounts and they follow over  1000 people, who am I to have a problem with 44? Is there something wrong with me?
Well,no matter I am going to cut out the ones I don't read. So I got busy at 6am this morning. at 7:30 I have cut one twitter and no blogs. I like them all! So I gave up and decided to blog on it. 
Some better then others, some I read every day and will go back and read a second time some I just read once, one has recipes on it that I want to try, on and so forth. 
I've got a little confidence on Twitter, I don't automatically follow just because they follow me.
And I only follow the blogs I really like so I will not add anymore. Well not after i add the one I just checked out on twitter from someone in New Zealand. I've never been to New Zealand, that one will be interesting! And since she chose to follow me.....all the way from over there.....
okay. I'm hooked, period.
I still have a lot to learn about social networking. As a matter of fact her is a list of things I want to learn:
1. How to post a hyperlink. I have the code but am doing something wrong.
2. How to change my photo on face book,  Haven't had any luck lately with this one.
3. How do I download a new template that is not blogger, or do I go to a different provider?
4: How many Twitters are you allowed to have?
5. How many Twitters can you do a day before your audience gets annoyed with you? Some         people twitter all day long and have 20 30 40 twits..I mean tweets.:)  
6 How to Stumble. Gave up on this one. I have enough social networks anyway. 
7: How do people decided whom to follow? I keep getting people I have never heard of. how did they find me? and why?
8. I have adsense. How do people get those nice ads on the side from the ad counci. I want one!

So that is a mini list. So I will go on learning, and after I get these questions answered I am sure I will have more. The one thing I have learned is that the more answers I get, they lead to more questions. 
you know what? That is probably the fun of it. 


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Michele said...

Angel, good post, amen.