Monday, May 18, 2009

Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by href="">MckMama. You can head over tohref="">her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week

Once again it is Monday, the first day of the proverbial work week, and the day we all sit back and reflect on how silly we were last week. Hmm, Well me,personally.I am never silly or ever do  any incomprehensible things...but I will do my best to think of something....

I did not direct traffic at the busiest intersection in West Ashley, while Denise was broken down and trying to get the car started. Tasha was in the back seat, the car over heated and drivers do not pay attention. 

I did not open a bag of Sour Cream and Onion potatoes chips in Wal mart for Tasha to snack on while we were shopping. 

I did not break the seat off the commode while I was cleaning it this week. Don't ask how, I don't know how. All I know is I was on my knees and Tasha was sitting on the commode as I was scrubbing, singing the Barney song which is annoying enough then as I was scrubbing in the little area no human hand can get in anyway between the wall and the commode , suddenly Tasha and the seat were on the floor next to me. The top had come loose from the joints.

I did not get up at three in the morning having an ice cream attack and eat two bowls of ice cream. Cookies and cream. 

I did not become addicted to SIMS4 the computer game . I like to build the city and blow it up. I have always been destructive. 

I did not drop Denise's cell phone and break it into three different pieces. Luckily it went back together and she is none the wiser, one day Tasha will tell on me and I will be in BIG trouble.

Got to run, Have a great week!

PS. Tasha just told on me about the phone. I did not run in the bedroom and hide from her mother. 


Barb Jacobucci said...

Ahhh! The Adventures of Angel. Never a dull moment I see!

Rose said...

very cool blog i like it

Rose said...

i love the three little girls. what a touching story may God continue to bless you