Monday, July 13, 2009

Random Monday Night

If you come here more then once in a blue moon, then you are totally confused. But take heart, you are seeing what you think you are. My blog keeps changing formats and colors.

Now,this wasn't just to fool you, I promise. It is for me to find out if I can find a template I can live with before giving up the ghost and moving to word press with the rest of he crowd.

I don't want to move, I feel all warm and cozy here on blogger, but my blog looks like rush hour at grand central it has so much on it, so I am trying to sort it out, just a little. It seems every time I drop something, I gain something else.

So for a little bit, you may keep getting a shock when you drop in, but eventually it will all settle down and be boring again, and isn't that what life is all about?

We moved in and got settled. Bugs have found somewhere else to live for the moment, ever once in the wile one will get bold and pop out, but just for a minute, they have learned to run when they see me coming. I guess death by oven spray is pretty horrible, but now I have Raid so it will be a mercy death.

Charleston being surrounded by water, oceans, lakes and marshes is the natural breeding ground for misquotes, and other bugs. I love water but everything has it ups and downs. bugs are definitely a down for this city.

Tasha is ready for her bath, I am off to give her one and put her down for the night. Tasha has, just as every child in the world developed an alter ego this summer, she has, at three, developed a cheerleader persona. Don't ask me how a three year old can be preppy but she is and I am confused. Her mother was never preppy but her Nanny was and is..did it jump a generation?

Eric is suffering from a monsterious toothache, he is surviving for the moment on pain pills and amoxcillin, tomorrow we will get it pulled.

Denise is still trying to figure her future out. I remember whne I had so many choices, and hopeshe makes the choices right for her. Me? I made some horrendous choices, like leaving Hewlet Packard to be cool..and turning around and doing the smae thing with IBM, I think of how my life would have been had I not made those decisions.

Denise has a similar decision, she is trying to decide if she wants to go into food management or go back to school I sit back quietly and let her ponder. The wondeful thing about todys world is she can do both..I hope she realizes that as she is pondering her choice.

This is one of my really random posts, because I am feeling random...
Well, we all have those days, don't we?

See you Tomorrow....



Debbie @ OtRD said...

I was wondering if something had changed! Are you looking for a new template that is more you? Have you seen this site before?
There are tons of templates, maybe you will find the perfect fit...

Barb Jacobucci said...

I like the change. I, too, am constantly trying to figure out a change so that I don't have to move over to WP. Time will tell if I settle down and stay with blogger.

Unknown said...

I have thought about switching to wordpress as well just so that I have the ability to block those people that want to lurk and cause trouble on my blog but for now, I guess I'll stay with blogger.

I'm sure Denise will make the right choice. It's hard when you're torn between what to do and what you want to do.