Saturday, August 8, 2009

Small Talk six saturday

This is fun, the subject is "how Lazy can you be" The things I have seen...

1. Moving into a new house, putting all of your boxes in your room then sleeping on the sofa because there is not any room for you.

2. Undressing in the bathroom and leaving clothes on the floor,until you don't have any clean clothes then washing them and stating the cycle over

3. throwing chicken legs in the crockpot and dumping BBQ sauce on the so I don't have to watch them or season them.

4. Holding up traffic in Wal-Marts' parking lot, waiting for someone to back out, to get a parking space three spaces closer to the door

5. spending 30 minutes looking for the remote, rather then just walking tot he TV and changing the channel.

6,buying one of those vacation pet feeders for the cat, so you don't have to feed her everyday.

Thanks for reading Now Hop Over to Mom Dot and see what others have to share


Louise said...

Never even heard of those vacation cat feeders. We just used to hide food but this is a far better idea.

Good list.

Becca said...

I'm guilty of sleeping on the couch lol

Dee said...

my son does the remote control thing, then he loses it when he finds it...drives me crazy!!
I posted my 6 this weekend end, visit me if you can

Kelly said...

Great list especially #4. That is one of my pet peeves. That and people walking down the middle of the lane

Here's mine

Susan Heim said...

People actually do #6? Wow, that is lazy! You shouldn't have a pet if you're not willing to take care of it!

Here's my list:

Debbie said...

Now wait, none of those things are bad - right?

JaelCustomDesigns said...

* Visiting from

Cute post! I'm a little OCD so everything has to be in it's place and I can't sleep on the couch all night. It's too uncomfortable!

Nishant said...

People actually do #6? Wow, that is lazy! You shouldn't have a pet if you're not willing to take care of it

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