Monday, September 7, 2009

September 7th How do you survive the loss of a child?

I feel I said a lot of no's that day. They resound in my head, and i have never been able to put them to rest.
We went shopping for new clothes on Sunday. The people from the church had given her lots of money, so new life, new clothes. She had just had surgery, it was successful so life was assured, right? It was supposed to be downhill from here.

She came out and showed me her new jeans and shirt.
Can I wear them? No, lets save them for church, they look too nice.
We were just hanging around the house, why get them dirty.
Can we have fried apples for dinner?
No Dinner is ready, we'll have them tomorrow.
There wasn't going to be a tomorrow or a church day. To this day I can't prepare fried apples, or eat them.
I buried her in her jeans.
How could I know?

The night before she had asked me, What happens when you die? And I told her: You simply wake up with Jesus.

Did she know something I didn't?

She died, in my arms, I felt the Angel take her, or maybe it was Jesus Himself. I felt her spirit go home.

Days go buy I still feel her in my arm and my spirit. I know she is with Jesus, but, it doesn't help because I am selfish. I want her here.

I would give so much to get my child back, those who willingly throw away their children baffle me.

You don't know God's plan, only He does. Love your child, hug him or her: don't count on tomorrow, Today may be all you have. That is for all of us.

How do you survive the loss of a child? one day at a time.

I still miss you Sharon. I can't wait to see you again.


Barb Jacobucci said...

My heart is with you today. Hugs.

Alone in Holy Land said...

The words just left me and went away...I am speechless...My heart and my love are with you...

Carma Sez said...

I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your precious child...keep taking it one day at a time said...

I can feel the pain of missing Sharon through your blog post. I'm so very sorry that you had to experience losing your little girl. I am thinking of you and hoping that you will do something special to memorialize her today.

Ohilda said...

I cannot even fathom what you are feeling. I am so sorry.

Blessings and prayers...


Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

A beautiful, heartfelt, touching post...

My thoughts are with you and the rest of your family on this difficult day.

roy/elisabeth dean said...

I will say a prayer for you tonight~
You are an incredibly strong woman,

shortmama said...

So beautiful and heartbreaking. I pray for your healing